Friday, November 16, 2018


INTRODUCTION: Sometimes women don’t ovulate (release an egg form an ovary each month) or ovulate irregularly, which interferes with their ability to become pregnant. There are many reasons for why this can happen- stress, weight issues, over –exercise, hormonal imbalances or problems with you reproductive system. Sometimes there is no real explanation. It can be a temporary issue or a long – term one .

Ovulation induction is the term for the use of medical therapy to treat women who do not ovulate by themselves. Hormonal medications are used to stimulate the ovaries or egg sacs in order to produce an egg, which can then be fertilized by the male’s sperm.

The term’ infertility’ is used when the ability to become pregnant is diminished or absent . ‘sub fertility’ is a more appropriate term because it does not mean that you are unable to have children but that you may require treatment or assistance to achieve a pregnancy . The term infertility is generally used if a couple has not conceived after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse.Fertility is age-dependent and so any woman over the age of 35 who is trying to become pregnant should see their doctor after six months. About one in six couples have trouble conceiving and about half of these couples will require medical assistance to overcome this problem.
Causes of female infertility include:
Older age (>35)
Poly cystic ovary syndrome
No ovulation or irregular ovulation
Lifestyle factors
Smoking ,being overweight or underweight,drug use ,always tired)
Blocked Fallopian tubes
Fibroid (non-cancerous growth of the muscle in the uterus)

Problems of the cervix such as mucus hostility.


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